with Cointraffic
Don't spend time selling ads, simply focus on your website development and let us take care of the monetization for you!
Start Earning
Benefits of Becoming a Publisher
Booming results with more than 600 Crypto Publishers
Transparent Pricing
Transparent Pricing
Upfront information on pricing and slot availability, allowing for informed decision-making and budget planning
Premium Placements
Premium Placements
Selection of top advertising placements from each publisher, ensuring you get the best results from your campaign
Versatile Ad Formats
Versatile Ad Formats
Display banners, search boxes, menu buttons, partner logos, top lists, and other custom ad formats
Already earning with us
Cointraffic is being used by the top Crypto & Bitcoin websites as a core source of income
Build Your Websites Financial Success with Confidence
Active advertisers buying your traffic
Paid out to our publishers Monthly
Different ad placements & formats to maximize your earnings
Get Professionals Assistance
Your personal account manager will review your website and suggest how to maximize your earnings. In addition, he will help you generate advertising codes and guide you through their integration. Sign up now or reach us through the live chat.
Display Ads
Display Ads
Maximize your earnings with banner solution

With available banner formats and sizes, it is easy to select ad placements suitable for your pages and maximize earnings by adding mutiple ads per page.

  • Can my website be accepted?

  • Is there any minimum payment requirement?

  • How often I am going to be paid?

  • How can I track my statistics?

  • How do I earn more?

  • How many Native Ad blocks can I put on my website?